Measure G Renewal Information and Reports
Potential Renewal of Measure G will continue Funding Police, Fire & Streets without raising Taxes.
In 2016, Marysville voters approved Measure G, a measure that raised the local sales tax by one cent.
Measure G was to be used to:
Hire more Police Officers
Increase neighborhood patrols
Reduce 911 response time
Fire safety and emergency response services
Street and sidewalk repairs
Reducing debt and rebuilding financial reserves
For nearly eight years, the City of Marysville has invested the revenue generated by Measure G back into the community – hiring more Police Officers and increasing neighborhood patrols; ensuring our Fire Department is properly prepared and staffed for emergencies; and beginning to repair our local streets and sidewalks.
By keeping our City safe, clean, and well-maintained, Measure G helps protect our property values and help keep Marysville a special place to live.
Measure G is set to expire in 2026.
To continue funding for essential city services, the City of Marysville is considering a measure on the November 2024 ballot to renew this source of funding at the current rate - without raising taxes. It would simply extend the one cent funding previously approved by voters.
Renewing Measure G will allow Marysville to:
Maintain Marysville Police Department’s neighborhood patrols
Continue to provide quick responses to 9-1-1 emergencies, fires, and EMT services
Fix potholes, maintain city streets, sidewalks